When I decided to become a full time artist, my dream was to be a portrait painter, although I did not have the skills or training to fullfill this dream.  Being young, naive and full of myself, I enrolled in a one week portrait workshop instructed by National Portrait Painter Daniel Greene. I traveled to the workshop expecting to be competent in what I was about to learn. The only thing I learned was how little I knew about portrait painting and how bad I was at it working from live models. I was humbled and avoided painting any portraits for 10 years. Let me add Daniel Greene was an excellent teacher, it was my pride that prevented me from moving forward. Finally, I decided to face my fears and try it again, enlisting the help of a local portait painter and friend. She gave me the confidence to move forward and continue learning and growing in portraits. I attribute my growth to three artists, Rose Frantzen, Marvin Mattleson and Sharon Weaver. They all influenced my style and taught me skills that have taken me to the level I am today, albeit I am still learning and growing. Although my Free Oil Portrait Painting Videos are timelapsed because of the time involved in painting them, you will get a good understanding of the process I use to achieve realistic portraits painted alla prima style.

Prints are available by clicking on the painting image. Thank you in advance for your patronage in watching my videos and purchasing prints!

Oil Portrait Line Drawing
Swaddled in Love
Portait of Santa
Portrait of Nellie Streit